MATLAB: List of user-managed object types

MATLABmatlab objects

Some objects in MATLAB (e.g., timer and graphic objects) are "user managed" and require special delete functions to get rid of. Nick Haddad talked about this on Loren's blog a while back.
That blog post provides some rules for determining if an object is user-managed. Is there a list of all user-managed objects?

Best Answer

I believe that the list of user managed objects in the blog was complete. For MATLAB with no toolboxes the list is:
  1. serial objects
  2. timer objects
  3. all handle graphics objects
  4. file handles (IDs).
Many toolboxes have other objects that fit this model. It is not likely that new classes of objects that are added to MATLAB or toolboxes will follow the user managed model. All of these objects were in MATLAB before the introduction of handle objects and any changes to them would introduce incompatibilities.