MATLAB: List of all subfolders and theire subfolders etc.


Hello everybody,
I have a directory and I want to create a list that contains the paths of all subfolders within that directory and all subfolders within every subfolder in that list and so on.
I'm actually looking for specific folders that contain a number of specific files. The directory I'm working on has x amount of "layers" of subolders. I tried to use a recursive function to get those specific folders but I can't quite make it. So my second approach is just to get a huge list of every folder (including all subfolders, theire subfolders, and so on…) and its path within my main directory and then in a second step check everyone of those folders individually for these specific files.
Is there a way to get all those folders within a directory? I've got the feeling I'm missing an easy approach here.
Thanks alot in advance!

Best Answer

Yes. list=dir('**/*.*') will do it. Then check for list.isdir