MATLAB: Linux – nohup – standalone


I have two questions : I use a compiled program from my .m code. I'm under linux (ubuntu) and I am using MAtlab 11b and MCR v716.
Here are my questions : 1) Even if I did set the environment variable correctly (I think), I still need to specify the directory of the MCR when starting the compiled program ( ./ MCRlocation/ 'params'). Is it normal ? Do you have an idea where it could come from ?
2) I want to run program through the network on a distant machine. For this, with my normal program in C or fortran, I was used to connect via ssh and then use 'nohup'( command : nohup ./myprogram.out). It turns out it does not work with matlab compiled files while it is OK with my C/fortram program. I guess this might be due to the dynamic compilation, even if I am not sure. Do you have any idea ? I did try to rewire the standard io of the shell without success. Is there a scpecial link to rewire with MCR ?
I used : nohup ~/MCRlocation/ 'in_params1' 'in_params2' >screen.out 2> sortie.err </dev/null &. I also tried several variants with no wiring of io and a program without input parameters. No effect, nohup does not work.
The effect is always the same. I run the script with nohup -> OK. I logout using exit -> display logout but does not come back to my distant shell. close the windows -> process stopped (see it with top command)… any idea ? It is quite annoying situation.
If I ask the run_script to verboe (-xv) it tells me 'segmentation fault' when I exit…
Thank you by advance for your help,
best regards,

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