MATLAB: Linprog optimisation with slack variable. How to formulate the matices

linprogMATLABoptimisationslack variable

I am trying to do a basic linear fitting optimisation, but am not getting the results that I am expecting. I have generated data for x and y – x=linspace(0,1,50) and y = 4x-1. And need to use a slack variable.
My optimisation problem then becomes
min(a,b,s) s subject to -s <= a*x(i)+b-y(i) <= s
The code I am using to try and get a = 4 and b= -1 is:
% a b s
f = [0 ;0 ;1];
A1 = [ J ones(N,1)];
A2 = [-J ones(N,1)];
A = [A1 ;A2];
b1 = y;
b2 = -y;
b = [b1 ;b2];
[a b s] = linprog(f,A,b);
J has been defined as [x ones(50,1)]
Can anybody help me please?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

A1 = [x,ones(N,1),-ones(N,1)];
A2 = [-x,-ones(N,1),-ones(N,1)];
A = [A1;A2];
b = [y;-y];
f = [0;0;1];
Best wishes