MATLAB: Linprog error – The number of rows in A must be the same as the number of elements of f & Error in [x fval] = linprog(f,​A,b,Aeq,be​q,lb,ub);

linear optimizationlinprogMATLABoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

Hi , I am trying to do a linprog optimisation by referring to the example in Matlab. I need help to solve the errors. Ty.
my code is:
variables = {'e1','e2','p1','p2','a','c','k','m','y','z'};
N = length(variables);
% create variables for indexing
for v = 1:N
eval([variables{v},' = ', num2str(v),';']);
% Lower Bound Constraints
lb = zeros(size(variables));
lb([e1,e2,p1,p2]) = [14.4,14.4,26.4,28.8];
% Upper Bound Constraints
ub = Inf(size(variables));
ub([e1,e2,p1,p2,k,m]) = [48,48,84,84,2.5,2.5];
% Other Constraints
A = zeros(2,4);
A(1,k) = 1; A(1,e2) = -1/36; b(1) = 1.7;
A(2,m) = -1; A(2,p2) = -1/36; b(2) = 1.7;
Aeq = zeros(2,4); beq = zeros(2,1);
Aeq(1,[a,e1]) = [1,-7/30];
Aeq(2,[c,p1]) = [1,-7/60];
% Objective function
if a <= c
y = a;
y = c;
if k <= m
z = k;
z = m;
f = z*y*24768;
% Solve the Problem with linprog
[x, fval] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
for d = 1:N
fprintf('%12.2f \t%s\n',x(d),variables{d})

Best Answer

Um, your objective is a product of z and y, which are in turn derived from the parameters.
This is NOT LINEAR programming. linprog will not be able to solve your problem as you have posed it.
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