MATLAB: Linking Simulink to Bladed

code generationsimulink

I have a wind turbine (WT) model in the Bladed package (v3.85). I need to link a controller, which is developed in Simulink (R2007b or newer), to this Bladed WT model. There seem to be two possible ways of doing this:
1. Generate C code from Simulink, and modify or 'wrap' that to create a DLL file, which can then be called from the Bladed program. This would (appear to) require Simulink Coder to generate the C code.
2. Write a C-based DLL that links Bladed and Simulink in co-simulation.
Does anyone have any experience with either form of link between Simulink and Bladed, and any recommendations about what the best (only?) way is? Option 1 seems the usual recommended way (by Bladed), but from what I have heard, C code generated by SL Coder still needs quite some manual modification before it can be used to create the DLL.
If you know of any commercial tools that perform option 1 and/or 2, it would help to have some (range of) prices.

Best Answer

I don't have experience with Bladed, but I do agree that option#1 is more straight-forward and likely to cause fewer issues (like worries about synchronizing the two softwares in case of option#2). It's fairly straightforward to create a DLL from a Simulink model if you have a license for Embedded Coder (formerly, Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder): Generating a Shared Library Version of Your Model Code
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