MATLAB: Linking marker face color to colorbar

colorbarcolormapface colormarkerplot

How do I link the face color of a marker to a colorbar? I have the following code so far:
plot(ones(length(cds_BD),1)*srs(1), v0_BD,'ks'), hold on
plot(ones(length(cds_GD),1)*srs(2), v0_GD,'ks')
plot(ones(length(cds_PRD),1)*srs(3), v0_PRD,'ks')
caxis([40 70]);
Where "cds_**" and "srs" are defined arrays. Each entry in the matrix cds_** is linked to a initial velocity and I would like to color the marker's face with that color according to the colorbar.
Please help.

Best Answer

Try scatter
cds_BD = [1.1105 1.3124 1.0474 1.0978 1.0852 1.0474 1.0221 1.0347 1.1988];
cds_GD = [0.8256 0.9615 0.9406 0.7524 1.0660 0.7838 0.8256 0.9301 0.7733];
cds_PRD = [0.9761 0.9964 0.9862 1.0472 0.9659 1.0066 0.9252 0.9151 0.9354];
v0_BD = [58.5101 58.2125 58.4750 62.5083 62.4396 62.3959 67.1816 66.3405 66.7731];
v0_GD = [61.1054 61.5469 61.4117 63.8668 64.1549 64.4764 66.8466 67.5859 67.2018];
v0_PRD = [61.6887 62.5646 62.5521 66.3803 65.8711 65.7790 69.4217 68.7722 68.5662];
x0 = cds_BD*0;
h(1) = scatter(x0+1, v0_BD, [], cds_BD);
hold on
h(2) = scatter(x0+2, v0_BD, [], cds_GD);
h(3) = scatter(x0+3, v0_BD, [], cds_PRD);
hold off
% caxis([40 70]);
axis([0 4 55 70])