MATLAB: Linking error for mwArray in c++

cMATLAB Compilermccmwarray

i have a matlab code which i have compiled with mcc as a result the matlab function is now a c++ function which has the following signature:
function_cpp(mwAray arg1, mwArray arg2);
i define: mwArray arg1, arg2;
when i try to compile i get an error message :
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mclGetEmptyArray_proxy referenced in function "public: __thiscall mwArray::mwArray(void)" (??0mwArray@@QAE@XZ)
what are the relevant include files associated with mwArray that I should be including.
thanks in advance

Best Answer

Please see the example in the documentation for the full process that you need to follow.