MATLAB: Linking candle and bar plots with datetime x-axes


Hi, I'm wanting to make a standard financial plot with a candestick chart on top, and candle volume bar plot underneath, with both axes linked. Both axes have the same datetime arrays on the x-axes. The result is the following:
A problem arises however when axes are linked, with this error msg:
Error using linkaxes>syncLimits (line 172)
linkaxes requires the limits of all the axes be all numeric, all datetime or all duration values.
Error in linkaxes (line 100)
I'm not sure why this error is occurring, given that both x-axes are created using the same datetime array.
The code I'm using:
dat = csvread('candle_data.csv', 1, 0);
hlco = dat(:,[3,4,5,2]); % reorder columns to High, Low, Close, Open
dates = datetime( dat(:,1), 'ConvertFrom', 'posixtime'); % get dates from unix timestamps
% plot candles
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
candle(hlco(:,1), hlco(:,2), hlco(:,3), hlco(:,4), 'b', dates, 'dd-mmm');
% plot candle volumes
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
bar(dates, dat(:,6))
linkaxes([ax1, ax2], "x")
A possible explanation for the error is that there is a mismatch in the representations used for the x-axis between candle and bar plots. Curiously, xlim for the candle plot is shown as [737134 737137], while for the bar plot as
1×2 datetime array
Mar 15, 2018, 00:00 Mar 17, 2018, 12:00
Any suggestions as to how these axes can be linked while still showing datetime's along the x-axes would be appreciated.

Best Answer

candle() creates a patch object, and patches currently cannot live on datatime axes. The values are converted to datenum.