MATLAB: Linearizing “Recursive Least Squares Estimator” Block

linear analysis toolpole zero plotrecursive least squares estimatorSimulink Control Designstep response

Hi everybody,
I am using the Recursive Least Squares Estimator block in simulink to estimate 3 parameters. Everything works well, and the controller that is using these parameters is doing its job. At least in the non-linear time domain simulation.
However when I linearize the entire system using Linear Analysis Tool, I am getting an unstable system. Could it be that the RLS estimator block is not being properly linearized? I am not getting any errors from the Linear Analysis tool.
Thank you and best regards,

Best Answer

Why are you linearizing Recursive Least Squares Estimator block? This block outputs parameters and error, and takes output and regressors as inputs. What are you trying to do? What linearization path are you interested in?