MATLAB: Linearization problem Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) approximation of Simmechanics model

lpvsimmechanicsSimscape Multibody

Hi guys,
I am trying to get the Linear Parameter Varying model of my simmechanics model but encountering a problem. Actually, my simmechanics system has 20 states and during the design phase i need all of the states but after applying linearization process, the outcome of the
linsys = linearize(mdl, op, io);
code line reduces the states to 10. My question is how could I avoid the state reduction ? Because it is vital to get the linearized system with 20 states with original number of the nonlinear one…
Thanks in advance…

Best Answer

The linearize function can take as a 4th argument a set of linearization options.
Does the following work for your model?
>> options = linearizeOptions('BlockReduction','off');
>> linsys = linearize(sys,op,io,options)
- Sebastian