MATLAB: Linear Optimization wih R2017b: Are the constraints correctly defined? (each constraint has multiple entries) – current result is that the Intlinprog stopped


Unfortunately, solving the problem does not work properly. I am not an expert in Matlab but I assume that I have an issue with the defined constraints. I am concerned if they are defined correctly, since each constraint again should have multiple entries (for each i={1:NA} and each j={1:NB}. I would be more than happy if you could help me with this problem. The mathematical formulation of the constraints should be complete (Constraints C01, … , C04 are the main constraints and the model should already work with only these four).
Attached you will also find the whole code:
NA = 4;
NB = 2;
E_Pv = 4.0 + rand(NA,NB);
E_L = 5.0 + rand(NA,NB);
E_Nom = 7.5 * ones(1,NB);
MIN_SOC = 0.3;
% Decision Variables
x1 = optimvar('x1',NA,NB,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',Inf);
x2 = optimvar('x2',NA,NB,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',Inf);
x3 = optimvar('x3',NA,NB,'Type','integer','LowerBound',-Inf,'UpperBound',Inf);
% Objective function
linprob = optimproblem('Objective', sum( -x8(:) ));
%%Problem Constraints
constr01 = optimconstr(NA,NB);
constr02 = optimconstr(NA,NB);
constr03 = optimconstr(NA,NB);
constr04 = optimconstr(NA,1);
for i = 1:NA
constr04(i,1) = x8(i) == sum( x6(i,:) + x3(i,:) - x9(i,:) );
for j = 1:NB
constr01(i,j) = E_Pv(i,j) == x5(i,j) + x4(i,j) + x6(i,j) + x7(i,j);
constr02(i,j) = E_L(i,j) == x5(i,j) + x2(i,j) + x9(i,j);
%Call constraints
linprob.Constraints.C01 = constr01;
linprob.Constraints.C02 = constr02;
linprob.Constraints.C03 = constr03;
linprob.Constraints.C04 = constr04;
% Call solver
linsol = solve(linprob);
tbl = struct2table(linsol);

Best Answer

Hi, thanks for your support.
Since the input variables were to small and randomly distributed with decimal points the solver was not able to find integer solutions. With slightly bigger numbers it is working now. :)
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