MATLAB: Linear Inperpolation for missing values


I need to find the missing values for Lat, Long in column 5 and 6 using linear interpolation. Can anybody suggest me a method in MATLAB? Excel worksheet is attached here.
Thanks in advance.
Year Month Day Time Lat Long
1998 1 16 0 -12 42.7
1998 1 16 3
1998 1 16 6 -12.2 42.4
1998 1 16 9
1998 1 16 12 -13 42.1
1998 1 16 15
1998 1 16 18 -13.8 41.9
1998 1 16 21
1998 1 17 0 -14.6 41.5
1998 1 17 3
1998 1 17 6 -15.4 40.4
1998 1 17 9
1998 1 17 12 -15.9 38.9
1998 1 17 15
1998 1 17 18 -16.1 38
1998 1 17 21
1998 1 18 0 -16.8 37.4
1998 1 18 3
1998 1 18 6 -17.1 36.2
1998 1 18 9
1998 1 18 12 -17.4 35.3
1998 1 18 15
1998 1 18 18 -18.1 35.6
1998 1 18 21
1998 1 19 0 -18.8 35.7
1998 1 19 3
1998 1 19 6 -19.3 34.8
1998 1 19 9
1998 1 19 12 -19.8 34.5
1998 1 19 15
1998 1 19 18 -20.2 34.5
1998 1 19 21
1998 1 20 0 -21.2 34.7
1998 1 20 3
1998 1 20 6 -22.1 34.9
1998 1 20 9
1998 1 20 12 -22.5 35.3
1998 1 20 15
1998 1 20 18 -23 36.1
1998 1 20 21
1998 1 21 0 -23.4 36.5
1998 1 21 3
1998 1 21 6 -23.9 37.2
1998 1 21 9
1998 1 21 12 -24.6 38.5
1998 1 21 15
1998 1 21 18 -25.2 39.9
1998 1 21 21
1998 1 22 0 -25.4 41.4
1998 1 22 3
1998 1 22 6 -25.6 42.9
1998 1 22 9
1998 1 22 12 -25.8 44.3
1998 1 22 15
1998 1 22 18 -25.8 45
1998 1 22 21
1998 1 23 0 -25.7 45.5
1998 1 23 3
1998 1 23 6 -25.6 46.3

Best Answer

Use the interp1 function:
[d, s, r] = xlsread('Lat_Long_Linear_Interpolation.xls');
dn = datenum([d(:,1:4) repmat([0 0],size(d,1),1)]); % Convert Dates To Serial
nonan = ~isnan(d(:,5)); % Use Valid Data For Interpolation
latlon = interp1(dn(nonan),d(nonan,5:6), dn); % Interpolate (Linear)
d_intrp = [d(:,1:4) latlon]; % Reconstruct Full Data Matrix