MATLAB: Linear fit in Log Scale + extension

curve fittingMATLABplotting

Hello, also this question might be trivial and frequently answered, but yet again I'm not able to grasp it. Long story short, that's what I got:
ind = f>=5000& f <= 10000
p = polyfit(f(ind),qU(ind),1);
t = polyval(p,(f(ind)));
actually this looks like a straight line to me, even if I set:
However I want to extend this line, lets say to [5000 15000]. How can I finally achieve this? Thx in advance

Best Answer

ind = f>=5000& f <= 10000
p = polyfit(f(ind),qU(ind),1);%you will always get a line if degree is 1
t = polyval(p,x);