MATLAB: Line, column, and value in matrix B of repeated values ​​in A.

MATLABmatricesmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

Hi. Good day.
I have a code that indicates line, column and value in matrix B, which are in vector A.
But this code does not allow me to have repeated values ​​in matrix B, which is already in vector A
% ________________________________
clc; clear; close all; format short;
A = [10 8 8 6 2];
 B = [10 12 16 15 11
       8 16 21 6 26
       85 61 21 48 11
       41 52 62 44 2
       29 51 55 59 16
       98 95 93 92 99];
for b = 1: 1: 5
     Value (b) = A (1, b);
     [row (b), col (b)] = find (B == Value (b));
Command Window
Value =
    10 8 8 6 2
row =
     1 2 2 2 4
col =
     1 1 1 4 5
What do I have to do to make the code detect the position of repeated values ​​in matrix B
Something like that:
A = [10 8 8 6 2];
B = [10 12 16 15 11
     8 16 21 6 26
     8 61 21 48 11
     41 52 62 44 2
     29 51 55 59 16
     98 95 93 92 99];
Command Window
Value =
    10 8 8 6 2
row =
     1 2 3 2 4
col =
     1 1 1 4 5
Hoping you can help me.
Thank you.

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