MATLAB: Line and column of the minimun element of a matrix

line and column of the minimun element of a matrixMATLAB

how do i find the position (line and column of the minimun element of a matrix)
i have a matrix
[5 1 -400;
-6 100 -6;
2 5 25];
how can i get matlab to give me the position of -400 ? line 1 column 3

Best Answer

m = [5 1 -400; ...
-6 100 -6;
2 5 25];
[~, ind] = min(m(:));
[row, col] = ind2sub(size(m), ind)
[v, ind1] = min(m, [], 1); % Along 1st dimension
[~, col] = min(v, [], 2); % Along 2nd dimension
row = ind1(col)