MATLAB: Limiting Precision on MATLAB


I have a condition for a switch statement. For example:
% Program variables and input prompts
runProgram = 1;
i = 1;
prompt_massRatio = 'Enter m/M Ratio: ';
prompt_Us = 'Enter Static friction: ';
prompt_Uk = 'Enter kinetic friction: ';
prompt_theta = 'Enter block angle: ';
% Graph variables F vs. m/M
Fplot = [];
massFraction = [];
% Program start
while runProgram == 1
% Calculation Variables
m_M = input(prompt_massRatio);
angle = input(prompt_theta);
theta = angle*(pi/180);
Us = input(prompt_Us);
Uk = input(prompt_Uk);
g = 9.81;
T = m_M*g;
W = g*sin(theta);
Fs = cos(theta)*g*Us;
Fk = cos(theta)*g*Uk;
% Conditions
forceSum = T - W;
switch (true)
case (forceSum < 0)
In this case, when forceSum is calculated for the conditions of m_M = 0.5, angle = 30, we get a value that is essentially zero but MATLAB does not read it as zero for the case statement. I.E. forceSum returns 8.8818e-016.
Any idea of making MATLAB read this value as 0?
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Could try forceSum=int32(T-W)