MATLAB: Limit subfunctions values in least square curve fitting

constrained curve fittingdata fittinglsqcurvefitMATLABnon linear curve fitting

Hi all,
I have a function like y-theoretical=A*x+(exp(B/C)/ln(Dx)).x and y-experimental are supplied from experiment; where A=f(x,a,b,c,d); B=f(x,a,b,c,d); C=f(x,a,b,c,d); D=f(x,a,b,c,d), I have the upper and lower limits of a,b,c,d that will result to A,B,C,D and then to curve fitting of y-theoretical to y-experimental ,
my question is how to limit the values of A,B,C,D to do not be lower or exceed some specific values like 0<A<0.85; without limiting the lb or ub of a,b,c,d

Best Answer

You will have to use an optimization algorithm which supports nonlinear inequality constraints, e.g., FMINCON.
Or, by analyzing f(), you must find linear or bounds constraints on a,b,c,d that imply desired bounds on A,B,C,D