MATLAB: Lilliefors test critical values

kstestlillietestlillifors test

Can anyone give me some insights on how the tabulated values ( cv's) are calculated in the Lillitest function. The point is that, Lillitest performs the modified version of KS test when the distribution parameters are estimated from the sample data. But unfortunately it is limited to some of the distributions, i.e. normal,exp,weibull, extreme value and lognormal. My interest is to make use of such test even for other distributions, i.e. Log-logistic, Gamma etc. (if it is possible, but I guess it should be). I do not know how the tabulated values for specific significance values and sample sizes, when considering the distributions implemented in Lilliefors tests, are calculated? If the the sample size is larger than those provided in Lillitest, then an asymptotic aprox is computed, but again I do not get how these values are set ?? Even having a look at the references in the func, I was not able to clear these doubts. Whereas, when using MC simulations you calculate the specific cv's and p-values running Montecarlo simulations. In this case, the cv's does not change except for the p-values but when I tried to include a version of Gamma I do not know which values to start with (scale0 and shape0) :
% Simulate critical values for the extreme value
case {'extreme value', 'ev'}
mu0 = 0; sigma0 = 1;
yCDF = (0:n)'/n;
for rep = 1:length(KSstatMC)
x = evrnd(mu0,sigma0,n,1);
xCDF = sort(x); % unique values, no need for ECDF

phat = evfit(x); % MLE fit to the data

nullCDF = evcdf(xCDF, phat(1), phat(2));
delta1 = yCDF(1:end-1) - nullCDF;
delta2 = yCDF(2:end) - nullCDF;
KSstatMC(rep) = max(abs([delta1; delta2]));
% Simulate critical values for the gamma
case {'gamma'}
scale0 = 1; shape0 = 1;
yCDF = (0:n)'/n;
for rep = 1:length(KSstatMC)
x = gamrnd(scale0,shape0,n,1);
xCDF = sort(x); % unique values, no need for ECDF
phat = gamfit(x); % MLE fit to the data
nullCDF = evcdf(xCDF, phat(1), phat(2));
delta1 = yCDF(1:end-1) - nullCDF;
delta2 = yCDF(2:end) - nullCDF;
KSstatMC(rep) = max(abs([delta1; delta2]));
with the first case being available in the function and the second representing my try. Any input is welcome. Thanks,

Best Answer

As the documentation says, "The Lilliefors test cannot be used when the null hypothesis is not a location-scale family of distributions." The test assumes a location-scale family. The gamma is not location-scale.
The MC code in the lillietest function is the way the tabulated critical values were computed - the lookup table is just to get the result in a more resonable amount of time. MC simulation is how LillieFohrs did it in the 1960's, albeit with much less computing power.