MATLAB: Light intensity or Grayvalue


I have a trivial question! I looked about it, but I am still not sure! Something simple confuses me! I would be grateful if someone can clear me!
In a digital image, is the "light intensity" exactly the same as "grayvalue"?
By light intensity I mean the power (energy) of the light source such as laser, and by the grayvalue, I mean the grayscales of the resulting recorded digital image (due to that light)?
I have seen in some book that these two are related, but it did not say how. I saw somewhere else that these two are the same! That is why I asked this question!
Thank you so much!

Best Answer

The intensity of the light is a physical value. The gray value of a digitized image depends on the hardware for digitizing, e.g. the sensitivity of the light sensor, the exposure time and the aperture. In addition the processing can influence the gray value, e.g. saturation (when the maximum value is reached) and interpolation, when the output size does not equal the number of sensors.
In the ideal case, a pixel with a higher intensity has a higher gray value. Depending of the hardware of the sensor, there will be a roughly linear relation between the intensity and the gray value - insider certain limits and with a limited precision. So "these two are related" is an accurate description.
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