MATLAB: Library browser hierachy

gui simulink block library browserhierachy structuresimulinkslblocks.m

I started to build a larger Simulink Library, which is split into several .mdl files.
Now I want to create a slblock.m configuration in a way that the library browser will show my library hierachy, example:
main library
|- sublibrary 1
`- sublibrary 2
`- subsublibrary 2.1
I read the documentation and looked at toolboxes how this could be done, until now without any success.
I found a hint to use
browser(1).Children = {'sublibrary 1', 'sublibrary 2'}
in the slblocks.m description, but this is ignored and my libraries still appear side by side on top level.
any suggestions ?
thank you very much

Best Answer

Although there is currently no definite answer on the page, there are some hints that you may find useful.