MATLAB: Let users enter anything, save integers, give warning otherwise

integer disp input interactive

I want to let users enter any text into my application. I am using the disp() command for this.
I want the users to be able to enter anything. If they enter an integer I want to save it as a string or integer. If they enter anything else I want to give them a warning.
This code doesn't work. Can you help me fix it?
userVar = disp('Enter an integer: ')
if (isinteger(userVar))
% e.g. Enter an integer: 3
A = [A userVar]
% e.g. Enter an integer: 3,4
% e.g. Enter an integer: cha1r
warning('Only integers are accepted.')

Best Answer

if mod(UserVar,1) == 0
if UserVar == fix(UserVar)
There are other possibilities, too. Last year in CSSM we listed off at least a dozen different ways.