MATLAB: Length of cells within cell array

cell arrays

Hey i have a question that if i have a cell array containing multiple elements and each element in cell array have more elements like this:
x{1,1}{1,1}=1 x{1,1}{2,1}=[2;3;4]
x{2,1}{1,1}=[3;1] x{2,1}{2,1} x{2,1}{3,1}=[1;5;2;4] and all others elements like this.
My question is that how can I get length of each cell. Like for x{1,1}{1,1}, result is 1. For x{2,1}{2,1} x{2,1}{3,1}, result is 4
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

x{1,1}{1,1} = 1;
x{1,1}{2,1} = [2;3;4];
x{2,1}{1,1} = [3;1];
x{2,1}{3,1} = [1;5;2;4];
The trivial answer:
To get all lengths at once:
Len = cellfun(@(c) cellfun('length', c), x, 'UniformOutput', false)
Now Len{2}(3) is 4.