MATLAB: Legend of a patch-object with a line in the center


I am looking for a way to have a custom legend entry for a filled area plot along with a line plot where the individual legend entries would be combined into one entry. The single entry should have the line marker overlaid on top of the box of the filled area legend. Is this possible?
x = [0 1];
y = [1 0];
xArea = [x, fliplr(x)];
yArea = [y + 1, fliplr( y - 1 )];
hold on;
hp = plot( x, y);
hp.LineWidth = 2;
hp.HandleVisibility = 'off';
hf = fill( xArea, yArea, [0, 0.4470, 0.7410]);
hf.FaceAlpha = 0.25;
hf.LineStyle = 'none';
hLeg = legend('Single legend entry');
hLeg.FontSize = 30;
Result of the example code:
Desired look of the legend entry:

Best Answer

What about this? Too complicated? No?
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(5);
p = surf2patch(X,Y,Z);
p1 = patch(p,'facecolor','g');
h = legend('ha');
h1 = get(h,'children');
x = get(h1(1),'xdata');
y = get(h1(1),'ydata');
% c = get(h1(1),'faceVertexCData');
x = [x; x(1); x(end)];
y = [y; mean(y); mean(y)];
c = [ repmat([0 1 0],[4 1]); repmat([1 0 0],[2,1]) ];
ff = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 6 6];
set(h1(1),'vertices',[x y],...
'faceVertexCData', c,...