MATLAB: Legend for transparent patch object is opaque

legend facealpha opaque transparent patchMATLAB

I create a simple figure with 2 patch objects where one of the patch is opaque and the other one is transparent (with facealpha set to 0.1) :
x = [0 1 1 0];
y = [0 0 1 1];
x2 = [3 6 6 3];
y2 = [3 3 6 6];
legend('red opaque -> OK','green is opaque instead of transparent -> WHY ?')
The legend does not reflect the fact that the green patch is transparent. I really need my legend to show if the patch is transparent or opaque. Is there a work around ?
Thanks !

Best Answer

The problem is actually caused by the Rendrer of the figure object. In R2018a opengl seems to make the legend entries transparent, but in prior versions, you need to switch to 'painters' renderer to get this behavior. For example, try the following
f = figure;
f.Renderer = 'painters';
x = [0 1 1 0];
y = [0 0 1 1];
x2 = [3 6 6 3];
y2 = [3 3 6 6];
legend({'red opaque -> OK','green is opaque instead of transparent -> WHY ?'}, 'Box', 'off')