MATLAB: Legend And Plot Disagree


I am trying to plot three functions on the graph; horizontal, y=x, and a sawtooth function. When I plot all three of them, the legend sucsefully displays 3 different colours (one for each function), but the plot itself doesnt distingiuse between the 3 plots and colours two of them the same way. I have tried manuly setting the colours of them different but then the legend disagress agian. Anyone know how to fix this?
x = 0:0.1:16;
yClassical = 0*ones(length(x));
yVacuum = x;
yQuantum = 4.9/2*sawtooth(2*pi/4.9*x)+4.9/2;
hold on
plot(x, yVacuum, 'lineWidth', 4)
plot(x, yClassical, 'lineWidth', 4)
plot(x, yQuantum, 'lineWidth', 4)
legend('Vacuum', 'Classical Prediction', 'Quantum Prediction')
hold off

Best Answer

The problem is related to yClassical being a matrix instead of a vector. When using ones, if you only specify one input value, n, then the result is an nxn matrix. I think you want a 1xn.
Also, since you mulitiply it by zero anyway, I'll use the zeros function instead.
x = 0:0.1:16;
yClassical = zeros(1,length(x));
yVacuum = x;
yQuantum = 4.9/2*sawtooth(2*pi/4.9*x)+4.9/2;
plot(x, yVacuum, 'lineWidth', 4)
hold on
plot(x, yClassical, 'lineWidth', 4)
plot(x, yQuantum, 'lineWidth', 4)
legend('Vacuum', 'Classical Prediction', 'Quantum Prediction')
hold off