MATLAB: Leader following robot

algorithmautomated drivingdistancelidarMATLABmobile robotnavigationNavigation ToolboxRobotics System Toolboxrossimulink

Hi. I have to create an algorithm that would measure the distance from an object, based on lidar scans, and then follow that object keeping desired distance. But Im new to Robotisc Toolbox and to be fair I dont quite know where or how to start, so far I've only been using MatLab and Simulink for easy school projects. I would be very greatful for any points and tips and help to get me started.

Best Answer

Hello Dominika,
We have a similar example that demonstrates a robot (either real or simulated in Gazebo) following an object. It uses a camera and uses blob detection to target the object, and its "follow" algorithm is fairly simplistic, but this could give you a functional framework to start inserting your own algorithm.
Just be sure to check the prerequisites to get your robot environment set up.