MATLAB: Latex Support to publish in html format


The following Latex code does not get recognised by Matlab when trying to publish in html:
The problem is undoubtedly the double integral; I get the following error: "Unable to interpret Latex string".
Could please someone help me? Why doesn't Matlab recognise this Latex command? It is perfectly fine with:
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Two workarounds:
1) Use \int\int with negative spaces in between \!\!
text(.5,.5,'$\int\!\!\int_{E} f\left(x,y\right) dxdy$','interpreter','latex')
2) Or integrate your .html with MathJax. Here's the technical solution that explains how: How can I use MathJax to render the LaTeX math in the published output in MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)?