MATLAB: Latex in plot title with variables

latex in plotlatex plotmatlab plottitle latex variable

Hi, I'm running Matlab R2014b. Trying to make a nice plot with :
title([' Slip regulation \lambda for K_{\sigma} = ',num2str(Ksigma),' K = ', num2str(K),' and \epsilon = ', num2str(theta)]);
Tried even with
title([' Slip regulation \lambda for K_{\sigma} = ',num2str(Ksigma),' K = ', num2str(K),' and \epsilon = ', num2str(theta), 'Interpreter','tex' ]);
Still no luck. Would someone help me out ? Thanks in advanced.

Best Answer

Solved it using:
mytitleText = [' Slip regulation \lambda for K_{\sigma} = ',num2str(Ksigma),' K = ', num2str(K),' and \epsilon = ', num2str(theta)];
title(mytitleText,'Interpreter','tex' );