MATLAB: Laser rate equation modelling using ODE45

MATLABode45rate equation

Hi there, I have a question about modelling rate equations. Basically the modelling is solving differential equations hence I'm trying to use ODE45.
However, the solving seems running forever (3 days already). I was wondering if I'm using the wrong solver.
Can anyone give me some clues? Thanks a lot for your viewing and kindly help!
The code I wrote is as follows:
function dy = rate_eq( t,y )
%Simplified rate equation for Yb ions.
dy = zeros(5,1);
h = 6.62606957E-34;
% Planck constant (m^2kg/s)
c = 299792458;
% Speed of light (m/s)
lambdaS = 1030E-9;
% Wavelength of signal light (m)
lambdaP = 975E-9;
% Wavelength of pump light (m)
vS = c/lambdaS;
% Frequency of signal (Hz)
vP = c/lambdaP;
% Frequency of pump (Hz)
A21 = 1/(600E-6);
% Spontaneous emission transition time from L2 -> L1 of 600 us

A20 = 1/(600E-6);
% Spontaneous emission transition time from L2 -> L1 of 600 us
W10 = 1/(500E-12);
% Fast decay transition time from L1 -> L0 of 500 ps
sigma21 = 0.5E-20;
% Stimulation emission cross section from L2 -> L1 of 0.5E-20 cm^2
sigma02 = 2.5E-20;
% Absorption cross section from L0 -> L2 of 2.5E-20 cm^2
dy(1) = sigma02*y(4)*y(3)/(h*vP)-A20*y(1)-A21*y(1)-sigma21*y(5)*y(1)/(h*vS)
% Change of population of upper lasing level (L2)
dy(2) = A21*y(1)+sigma21*y(5)*y(1)/(h*vS)-W10*y(2)
% Change of population of lower lasing level (L2)
dy(3) = -sigma02*y(4)*y(3)/(h*vP)+A20*y(1)+W10*y(2)
% Change of population of ground lasing level (L2)
dy(4) = (-sigma02*y(4)*y(3)/(h*vP)+A20*y(1))*(h*vP)
% Change of intensity of pump beam
dy(5) = (sigma21*y(5)*y(1)/(h*vS)+A21*y(1))*(h*vS)
% Change of intensity of signal beam
Main Script
TSPAN = [0 1];
Y0 =[0 0 8.75E20 1 0.2];
%y(1) = population of Upper Lasing level
%y(2) = population of Lower Lasing level
%y(3) = population of Ground Level
%y(4) = Optical intensity of Pump W/cm^2
%y(5) = Optical intensity of Signal W/cm^2
[T,Y] = ode45(@rate_eq,TSPAN,Y0);
legend('Ground level','Lower lasing level','Upper lasing level')
title('Population different levels')
plot(T ,Y(:,4))
title('Pump Intensiry') % Pump intensity
plot(T ,Y(:,5))
title('Singal Intensity') % Signal intensity
The equations correspond to the energy levels and transitions of a photoluminescence system showing below:
S0.2 is the absorption from ground level (L0) to upper lasing level (L2).
A2.0 is the spontaneous emission from upper lasing level (L2) to ground level (L0).
A2.1 is the spontaneous emission from upper lasing level (L2) to lower lasing level (L1).
SE2.1 is the stimulated emission from upper lasing level (L2) to lower lasing level (L1).
W1.0 is the fast non-radiative decay from lower lasing level (L1) to ground level (L0).
The rate equations are:
n2, n1 and n0 are the populations of the state in upper lasing level (L2), lower lasing level (L1) and ground level (L0), respectively.
σ02 and σ21 are the absorption and stimulation emission cross section of S0.2 and SE2.1 transitions.
A20 and A21 is the Einstein coefficient of transition A2.1 and A2.0.
W10 is the rate of the fast transition W1.0.
h is the planck's constant, vp and vs are the frequencies of the pump laser and signal laser. Ip and Is are the intensities of the pump and signal laser.

Best Answer

I’m surprised that you’re getting nothing out, since you left the semicolons off the ends of the lines in your ODE functions. Every time ‘rate_eq’ is evaluated, the results of those lines should display to the Command Window. Also, I suggest using the ‘dot operator’ to ‘vectorize’ them so that they do element-by-element operations instead of matrix operations (since it seems you are not doing matrix operations with them), for example:
dy(1) = sigma02.*y(4).*y(3)./(h.*vP)-A20.*y(1)-A21.*y(1)-sigma21.*y(5).*y(1)./(h.*vS);
and so with the others. It may not always be necessary, but I do it as a general rule.
Whenever ode45 gets stuck, I use ode15s. I suggest changing to it.