MATLAB: Largest connected component(circular)

image processinglarge connected component(circular)MATLAB

I need an algorithm to detect the largest connected component which has circular shape in an image. I hope your kind help.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Ibw = imfill(imread('coins.png')>100,'holes'); %example binary image
CC = bwconncomp(Ibw); %connected components
Objsz = cellfun(@numel,CC.PixelIdxList); %size of blobs
[garbage, ObjszOrder] = sort(Objsz,'descend'); %descended sorting
stats = regionprops(CC,'stuff you need to write');
for ii = 1:length(ObjszOrder)
%object ii wins!
I've done most of the work for you here. You have to determine what criteria you want to use to test circularity and what you need to extract from regionprops for this. The most common measurement of circularity is perimeter to area. Use wikipedia or the explanation of 'regionprops:equivdiameter' for the correct equation.