MATLAB: Large date/number/string text file reading to certain number of elements then ignoring end of line

data importendoflinetext importtextreadtxtfile

I have a problem reading in a text file.
It's a large txt file with each line (after the header) composed of time,date,799 x data integers seperated by a ', '
Tha would be fine and I'd be able to read the 2000 plus lines in with no problem sequentially, except every now and then a line is finished with a string starting 'Event: …'
This messes up the time & date capture for the next line..
How can I tell the code to stop after the 799 integers, ignore the rest of the line and move to the next?

Best Answer

To skip ret of the line use '%*[^\n]':
fid = fopen('test.txt');
fmt = ['%s%s' repmat('%f',1,10), '%*[^\n]'];
out = textscan(fid, fmt, 'Delimiter',',', 'CollectOutput',1);