MATLAB: Lane Detection with Zynq-Based Hardware – Pixel-Stream Model

computer visionComputer Vision ToolboxHDL Coderlane detectionsimulinkvision hdlVision HDL Toolboxxilinxxilinx zynq-7000xilinxzynqzynq

I am using Matlab 2018a and I wish to run the Lane Detection with Zynq-Based Hardware using Pixel-Stream Model as given in the below link :
I have all the required products as mentioned in the documentation : Simulink®,Computer Vision System Toolbox,Vision HDL Toolbox™,HDL Coder™,HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-7000 Platform
But when I run the command : open_system('vzLaneDetection_01_PixelStream'), I am getting the following error : No system or file called 'vzLaneDetection_01_PixelStream' found.
Has the model name been updated in R2018a ? Or should I get the model from somewhere else ?

Best Answer

You also need to download the Xilinx Zynq Support from Computer Vision System Toolbox support package to get the lane detection model.