MATLAB: Keeping the same figure active

figureImage Processing Toolboximshowsubplot

If i create a figure with a certain name:
hFig = figure('Name','ALL CAMERAS', 'Resize','on', 'Position',[600 600 400 800],'numbertitle','off');
How can I call it at different time to add subplots to it. I have tried
montageImg = cell2mat(allImgs);
J = imadjust(montageImg,stretchlim(montageImg),[0 1]);
I will vary the last digit in subplot to plot to each of the 6 positions allocated for. But currently, it just opens up a new figure called "ALL CAMERAS" for each subplot I do rather than plot all to the same figure?
Is it also possible to delete all open figures except the one called ALL CAMERAS?

Best Answer

Your algorithm should work. The imshow should appear in the subplot you've specified. Is this really the code you're using?
As for deleting all figures but hfig:
close(setdiff(findall(0,'Type','figure'), hfig)); %or you could use findobj
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