MATLAB: Keep getting the “Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.” error


Trying to simulate a water rocket using matlab, however I can't get my for loop to work properly.
This is what I have so far:
close all
clear all
P0 = 6e5; %Pa

Pout = 1e5; %Pa
V0 = 2; %l

V = 1.5; %l
gamma = 1.4;
rho_w = 998; %kg/m^3
%Pin = P0*(V/V0).^-gamma;
dt = 0.01;
t = 1:dt:100;
Ve(1) = 0; %m/s

Pin(1) = 6e5; %Pa
v0 = 0; %m/s
v = 0; %m/s
M0 = 0.1; %kg
M = M0 + (V0-V)*rho_w;
for i = 1:100
Pin(i+1) = Pin(i) - P0(V/V0).^-gamma;
Ve(i+1) = sqrt(2*(Pin(i) - P0)/rho_w);
%v = Ve*log(M0/M) + v0;
Really hoping one of you can enlighten me, because I'm completely lost here.

Best Answer

Pin(i+1) = Pin(i) - P0*(V/V0).^-gamma;
^----missed it