MATLAB: Join two tables with different sizes

column size errorjoin;table

I am trying to join two tables with different sizes
A = 50000 x 12
B = 9 x 3
Both matrices have a variable name 'UnqID'
Basically, I am trying to add information from table B column 2 and 3, following the same UnqID, in table A.
This is just an example of what I need to do, as the real tables have a larger size (different size)
I am following the examples at
…however, I am getting this error…
Error using tabular/outerjoin (line 141)
Left and right key variables 'UnqID' and 'UnqID' do not have the same number of columns.
In mathwork examples, the tables can have different size, so not sure what is happening.
Any suggestions? Thanks!

Best Answer

The error message suggests that size(A.UnqID,2) is not the same as size(B.unqID,2)