MATLAB: Join some matrices without repeating arrays

arraycell arraysmatrixreshape

Suppose I have matrices r1, r2 and r3 as follows:
r1 = [50;10;90;30];
r2 = [60;50];
r3 = [30;20;100];
I need a join matrix r that it is included all arrays of other matrices. I used the following code:
r = [r1; r2; r3];
But I need a code that not repeated same arrays in r1, r2 and r3, like:
t = [50;10;90;30;60;20;100];

Best Answer

r1 = [50;10;90;30];
r2 = [60;50];
r3 = [30;20;100];
r = [r1; r2; r3];
[~,b] = unique(r,'first');
out = r(sort(b));
out = unique(r,'stable');