MATLAB: Java Builder – Multithreading issues

javajavabuilderMATLABMATLAB Compiler SDKmultithread

I built and compiled my first serious Matlab program to Java class using the Java Builder. I wrote Java driver, which converts the necessary data types from Java to Matlab.
But now I have a problem – I try to use the same class in two parallel threads in my Java application and keep getting exceptions. When I run only one thread it works fine. What can be the problem? Please help me…
My intention is to use a Random Forest Ensemble, trained previously in Matlab, in a Java application. My Matlab function, which I compiled, using deploytool is:
function [Probability]=PredictingTest (Predictor)
load (['D:/Test/Tree.mat'], 'Tree')
[~, prob]=predict(Tree , Predictor);
Predictor input is an integer between -10 to 10. Probability output is a double between 0 to 1. Tree is a .mat file with a CompactTreeBagger object stored in it. Next I deploy the jar files to my Eclipse project, and try to run this Java code:
/* Necessary package imports */
import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.*;
import PredictTest.*;
public class predict_test {
static MWNumericArray rhs = null; /* Stores input value */
static PredictTest prediction;
static Object[] result = null; /* Stores the result */
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
prediction = new PredictTest();
rhs=new MWNumericArray(5,MWClassID.DOUBLE);
result=prediction.PredictingTest(1, rhs);
catch (MWException e) {
Segmentation violation detected at Fri Jul 08 12:02:26 2011:
MATLAB Version: (R2010b)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 14 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.6.0_22-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpotâ„¢ Client VM mixed mode

Best Answer

which version of MATLAB are you using? And could you post both the exception you are seeing and how you call your class?