MATLAB: JA Builder Jar Size

deploymentfile sizeja-builderjarjava

I have a group of .m files that I build into a .jar for deployment. When I previously built my .jar, its size was ~500 kb.
Then I added a single file that calls a couple methods from the SimpleDateFormat class:
After doing so, the size of the jar ballooned to ~10 MB. After checking the associated prj file, commenting out the new java code, and even removing the new .m file, the size remained the same. I dissected the jar in NetBeans and I didn't notice any new files included, but the ctf file was very large.
I'd just like to know if there's a way to see exactly what all's being built into the jar, and how to get its size back down to what it originally was. Thanks for any help, MATLAB community!

Best Answer

Found it.
In addition to the paths in the .prj file, MATLAB also pulls files from:
C:\Documents and Settings\(USERNAME)\Application Data\Mathworks\MATLAB\(VERSION)
And that's where the extra files came from.