MATLAB: I’ve got a problem with optimization and using a variable for exponent


Here is my matlab codeR
x = optimvar('x','type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',48);
y = optimvar('y','type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',48);
obj = fcn2optimexpr(@objfunx,x,y);
prob = optimproblem('Objective',obj);
con1 = x <= 48; prob.Constraints.constr = con1;
con2 = y <= 48; prob.Constraints.constr = con2;
con3 = (1-((0.2.^x))) + ((0.2.^x)).*(1-((0.3.^y))) >= 0.99;
prob.Constraints.constr = con3;
x0.x = 0; x0.y = 0;
function f = objfunx(x,y)
f =(60).*(x) + ((0.2.^x)).*(y).*(20);
and I got this error message
Error using optim.internal.problemdef.Power
Exponent must be a finite real numeric scalar.
Error in .^
Error in Test (line 8)
I want to get solution x, y
how can I solve this problem? I'm going to appreciate if you give me whole code

Best Answer

Optimization Toolbox™ does not support general nonlinear integer programming. Use ga or surrogateopt for nonlinear integer programming.
Or, for this problem, you could do exhaustive search; there are fewer than 2500 = 50^2 possibilities.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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