MATLAB: I’ve been getting several errors, especially “index must be a positive integer or logical.”

indexindexinginteger or logicalmatricesmatrixmatrix array

Hello, I've been trying to run this code and it keeps getting the following errors:
Attempted to access k2(0); index must be a positive integer or logical.
Error in toluene (line 14)
r(3)= -k1*P(1)*(P(2)^0.5)+(2*k2(P(3)^2-(P(5)*P(2)/Kp)));
Error in odearguments (line 87)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode45 (line 113)
[neq, tspan, ntspan, next, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, ...
Error in Untitled2 (line 12)
[V,F]= ode45('toluene', Vspan, F0);
I don't really know what's wrong?
This is the code:
function dFdV = toluene(~, F)
global k1 k2 Kp Pt0
Ft = F(1)+F(2)+F(3)+F(4)+F(5);
P(1)= Pt0*(F(1)/Ft);
P(2)= Pt0*(F(2)/Ft);
P(3)= Pt0*(F(3)/Ft);
P(4)= Pt0*(F(4)/Ft);
P(5)= Pt0*(F(5)/Ft);
r(1)= -k1*P(1)*(P(2)^0.5);
r(2)= -k1*P(1)*(P(2)^0.5)+(k2*(P(3)^2-(P(5)*P(2)/Kp)));
r(3)= -k1*P(1)*(P(2)^0.5)+(2*k2(P(3)^2-(P(5)*P(2)/Kp)));
r(4)= k1*P(1)*(P(2)^0.5);
r(5)= k2*((P(3)^2)-((P(5)*P(2))/Kp));
dFdV= [r(1); r(2); r(3); r(4); r(5)];
global k1 k2 Kp Pt0;
k1= 2.22*10^-8;
k2= 3.60*10^-10;
Kp= 0.2338;
Pt0= 600;
Vspan= [0 608];
F0= [0.121 2.42 0 0 0];
[V,F]= ode45('toluene', Vspan, F0);

Best Answer

In one line you have this:
and in the next line you have this:
I assume the 2nd line is a typo and is missing a multiply operator: