MATLAB: I’ve an image of size 185×256 and i’ve divided the image into discrete blocks having block rows 16 and block columns 16. when i access the blocks in a loop it says index exceeds matrix dimension…

glcmImage Processing Toolboxindex exceed number of subplotssubplot

the code is as follows:
in the following image it has 11 rows and 16 columns grayImage
whos grayImage
[rows columns numberOfBands]=size(grayImage);
blockSizeR = 16;% Rows in block.
blockSizeC = 16; % Columns in block.
wholeBlockRows = floor(rows / blockSizeR);
wholeBlockCols = floor(columns / blockSizeC);
fprintf('\nSize of whole block is %d %d\n\n',wholeBlockRows,wholeBlockCols);
for row = 1 : blockSizeR : rows
for col = 1 : blockSizeC : columns
row1 = row;
row2 = row1 + blockSizeR - 1;
row2 = min(rows, row2);
% Determine starting and ending columns.
col1 = col;
col2 = col1 + blockSizeC - 1;
col2 = min(columns, col2); % Don't let it go outside the image.
% Extract out the block into a single subimage.
oneBlock = grayImage(row1:row2, col1:col2);
caption2 = sprintf('Block #%d\n of %d', blockNumber,256);
title(caption2, 'FontSize', fontSize);
blockNumber = blockNumber + 1;
i has total of 11 rows and 16 columns i.e 185×256 when i calculate the GLCM
i got the error as
Index exceeds number of subplots.
can u tell me how to solve this error…
which line of code should i add to the above code so that it can work well…
i've to only deal with the size 185×256..i dont want to use the function imresize…

Best Answer

Just add
at the very top of the code. Also these issues:
Line 26: change (oneBlocl) to (oneBlock)
Line 30: define the variable (blocks)
Line 31: define (fontSize) in the title argument
perhaps you want to add the command
inside the loops to clean the screen while running (makes run a little bit faster)
After I've made the above minor fixes, it worked fine.