MATLAB: Iteration in the text(comment) part of an fprint loop

for loopfprintf

So in the value part of my fprintf statement (the T1(k)…TN(k) section) , the (k) increases however in the written part (the T(k) section) the (k) just remains at the same value. Is there a way of making the text part increase with the same rate as the value part.
for k=3:N
fprintf('T(k)=\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t%10.10s\t\n',HotTemp,T1(k),T2(k),T3(k),T4(k),T5(k),T6(k),T7(k),T8(k),T9(k),T10(k),T11(k), ColdTemp);

Best Answer

fprintf('T(k)=\t%10.10s\t%10.10s...', HotTemp, ...
fprintf('T(%d)=\t%10.10s\t%10.10s...', k, HotTemp, ...
and what is %10.10s supposed to do? Why not %10.4f or similar?