MATLAB: Iterate through multiple serial ports, one after another (not simultaneously)


I have a program that utilizes incoming serial data to do a strcmp with data stored in excel. the string initially comes in looking like this:
Reader(n): 'String'
my code is set up to find the n, and then compare the serial string to the string stored in the Nth column of an excel spreadsheet. A bool value of 1 from this operation will change the Nth panel in a GUI to green, while a bool value of 0 will change the Nth panel to red.
At the moment, my code only iterates from n = 1:2. these are the n values coming in from COM3. I want to use 3 more COM ports, each one carrying n = 3:4, n = 5:6, and n = 7:8. However, I am unsure of how to initialize the ports to be read one after another, no simultaneously. this is my main function:
delete(instrfind('Port', 'COM3')); % removes possibility for 'Port not available' error
tag = serial('COM3'); %initializes the port to be used
fopen(tag); %opens th eport
BOX = char(zeros(2,14)); % matrix to be populated with incoming serial data
TrueValueData = 'C:\RfidChipTrueValues.xlsx';
% location of stored master tags
[~,~,TrueValMat] = xlsread(TrueValueData); % reads our excel file into the proper format
% Creates matrix filled with the correct values
% indexed by box, which is the first row
% all proceeding rows are the master value
for i=1:inf
for n = 1:2
if i>10 % positive reading
readData = fscanf(tag);
if length(readData)>12
BOX(str2double(readData(8)),1:14)= readData(11:24);
if strcmp(TrueValMat{2,n}, BOX(n,:)) %cannot sub-index to CELL types normally, must use this method
set(handles.uipanels(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'g');
set(handles.uipanels(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'r');
drawnow % allows GUI to update the appearance whenever the loop completes.
if strcmp(TrueValMat{2,1}, BOX(1,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{2,2}, BOX(2,:)) == 1
set(handles.pushbutton5, 'enable', 'on');
the GUI at this point works well, with only minor things to be ironed out in the future. the colors change correctly, etc.
This is all for only a single com port. how do I make this work with 3 additional ports?
I know about bytesavailablefcn, but I have no clues how to use it, even after hours spent reading about it, watching videos, etc. obviously I am open to using anything that works, but it will have to really be explained to me.
Thanks so much

Best Answer

portlist = {'COM3', 'COM4', 'COM7', 'COM12'};
nport = length(portlist);
tags = cell{1, nport};
cleanups = cell{1, nport};
for portidx = 1 : nport
delete(instrfind('Port', portlist{portidx})); % removes possibility for 'Port not available' error
tags{portidx} = serial(portlist{portidx}); %initializes the port to be used
fopen(tag); %opens th eport
cleanups{portidx} = onCleanup(@() fclose(portlist{portidx}));
BOX = char(zeros(2,14)); % matrix to be populated with incoming serial data
TrueValueData = 'C:\RfidChipTrueValues.xlsx';
% location of stored master tags
[~,~,TrueValMat] = xlsread(TrueValueData); % reads our excel file into the proper format
% Creates matrix filled with the correct values
% indexed by box, which is the first row
% all proceeding rows are the master value
for i=1:inf
for portidx = 1 : nport
nbase = portidx * 2 - 1;
for n = nbase:nbase+1
if i>10 % positive reading
readData = fscanf(tags{portidx});;
if length(readData)>12
BOX(str2double(readData(8)),1:14)= readData(11:24);
if strcmp(TrueValMat{2,n}, BOX(n,:)) %cannot sub-index to CELL types normally, must use this method
set(handles.uipanels(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'g');
set(handles.uipanels(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'r');
drawnow % allows GUI to update the appearance whenever the loop completes.
if strcmp(TrueValMat{2,1}, BOX(1,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{2,2}, BOX(2,:)) == 1
set(handles.pushbutton5, 'enable', 'on');
If you want something different to be done for the different ports, then you can test the portidx value.