MATLAB: Iterate (repeat) a for-loop n times.

for looprunge kutta

I am trying to repeat the for-loop n times. The point is that I want to take the values computed in the first iteration of the loop and then use those values in the second iteration of the same loop and so on. Does anybody can help me with that?
Here is my code:

Best Answer

You posted an image of your code, not the code we can copy and run.
I would do something like this:
x = 0 : 0.01 : 5;
. . .
for kk = 1:numel(x)
. . .
Remember to subscript the values you want to save within the loop, for example:
y2(kk) = y1+h*k;
then plot after the loop (if you want to plot variables you computed in the loop).