MATLAB: It is possible to create a sample in matlab and cerebro point in their areas hemispheres

braingraphicsguiImage Processing Toolboxplot

I was wondering if it is possible to create a model of the brain in matlab, and I can indicate the places of the brain such as the cerebellum, if someone has someone example be grateful, thank you ..

Best Answer

The closest you can get in MATLAB itself is the wmri.mat dataset.
This is a slice through the brain at about the level of the glabella, showing the cerebellar hemispheres:
brain = load( 'wmri.mat' );
im = brain.X;
hp = get(gcf,'Position');
set(gcf, 'Position', [hp(1:2)/3 hp(3:4)*3])
You can probably find other MRI sequences online (the Visible Human project is one such), although you will probably have to segment the brain and assemble the slices and do the 3D reconstruction.
Also, see if any of these File Exchange contributions on the brain might have something similar to what you want.