MATLAB: It is necessary to declare the data type each time I change the value

castcoderdata typefloatintstaticunits

Hello everybody,
I want to declare x as an int8.
For example
x = int8(9);
But if I change to
x= 2;
Then, it changes to double, so I have to do
x = int8(2);
Is there any way to declare x as an int8 in all my script and when I code
It remains as a int8?

Best Answer

MATLAB does not give you the ability to set a variable name as automatically a specific data type. (Unlike old Fortran, where I could tell it that all variables that begin with the letters i through n were of integer type automatically.)
So even though you initially assign
x = int8(9);
then when you do this:
x = 2;
MATLAB sees that 2 is a double precision value, and the assignment "x=" overrides the current datatype of x. So x is now a double.
You have two choices that I can think of.
x = int8(2);
must work of course, since that just overwrites x. But you can also use this form:
x(:) = 2;
x was initially a scalar, of class int8. But the assignment as x(:)= does not overwrite the variable type. It uses the current type of x. As a test try this:
x = int8(9);
whos x
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
x 1x1 1 int8
x(:) = 2;
whos x
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
x 1x1 1 int8
x =
So x remains an int8, without needing to recast x as int8.