MATLAB: Issues with ylim


Hi everyone,
i hope someone can help. I keep getting this error when trying to plot some data:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in ProzPall450 (line 15)
ylim ([-0.5 4])
It has worked previously no problem. Here is some exemplary code. I use Matlab R2020a. Has anyone else been experiencing issues with ylim?
yyaxis left
plot (tmin,TMP,'Color',[.02 .24 .39])
ylim ([-0.5 4])
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = 'k'
grid on
title ('A')
xlabel ('Time [min]')
label_1 = ylabel('TMP [bar]')
label_1.Position(1) = -0.05*86.0333
label_1.Position(2) = 1.75

Best Answer

You have apparently created a variable ylim at some point in your code, which has replaced the ylim function in MATLAB.
Type clear ylim in your command window and try again. If you still get the same error, inspect your code. You have likely named one of your variable ylim (look for ylim=...).