MATLAB: Issue with writing DICOM images to a folder (‘Could not open folder for writing’ error)

dicomdicomwriteimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

I have a script to apply a manual segmentation to a set of DICOM images in a for loop. I want to write the segmentation for each image to a specific (initially empty) folder.
baseFileName = sprintf('%s_%d.dcm', cnt);
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, 'Project_Segmentations', baseFileName);
dicomwrite(segmentation, fullFileName);
The error message I'm getting is:
Error using dicom_open_msg (line 31)
Could not open "Project\DICOMs_Project\_" for writing
Error in dicomwrite>write_stream (line 660)
file = dicom_open_msg(file, 'w');
Error in dicomwrite>encodeAndWriteAttrs (line 325)
msg = write_stream(destination, data_stream);
Error in dicomwrite>write_message (line 282)
encodeAndWriteAttrs(attrs, options, filename, specificCharacterSet);
Error in dicomwrite (line 208)
[status, options] = write_message(X, filename, map, metadata, options);
Error in ManualSegmentationFull (line 80)
dicomwrite(segmentation, fullFileName);
Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!

Best Answer

The problem seemed to be down to trying to use, I think it must have been creating an invalid file name:
This code actually works fine, writing to the correct folder, when I simply use:
baseFileName = sprintf('Segmentation_%d.dcm', cnt);
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, 'Project_Segmentations',baseFileName);
% Write the DICOM segmentation to the folder.
dicomwrite(segmentation, fullFileName);
What I actually want is for the DICOMs to be written with the file name format of 'OrginalFileName_Segmentation.dcm'. If anyone can advise me on this it'd be really helpful, but for now the file name format I'm using is acceptable for my application.
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