MATLAB: Issue with Simulink Model Simulation inside Parfor

Parallel Computing Toolboxparforsimulink

I am trying to run multiple simulations with different data set on model 'ModelTest.slx' using parfor.
my code goes like this,
Parfor executes one simulation (sometime it runs two simulations). It geerates 'slprj' folder after first simulation.
Then it gets aborted with following error message.
Not a binary MAT-file. Try LOAD -ASCII to read as text."
Below are the details of matlab version and model settings,
Matalb 2015b,
parpool with local profile.
Simulation Mode : Normal;
Solver :Fixed Step, discrete
Does anyone have any idea about this error. ?

Best Answer

As @Sean says, parsim is the way to go if you can. However, as a workaround, you might get away with doing something like this:
parfor idx = ...
oldFolder = cd(getAttachedFilesFolder());
This puts each worker into a unique working directory, which might well get around the problems with the Stateflow compilation results overwriting each other.